How does The Matthews Group, as a global citizen, impact lives and shape our world through the work we do? How do we — and should we — move beyond nation-bound thinking towards a “whole-world” approach to opportunities, issues, and conflicts in the world around us? How does that affect the way we lead as a group of creatives as an agency?
How can we change alongside our art?
What does it mean to be a global citizen in the face of climate change?
How do we continue to help drive innovation in brand building and global economic while ensuring that the most vulnerable are not left behind?
How can we, as global citizens promote civic engagement and help government work for all?
We donate 1% of all our sales to support environmental organizations around the world.
OUR CREATIVE CENTER OF BALANCE EMBRACES ALL CULTURES, ALL PLACES, AND ALL PEOPLE OF THE WORLD AS EQUAL AND INQUISITIVE CONSUMERS. We learn from historical case studies and experience, study the present consumer mind and embrace the future with an inquiring and disciplined openness based on science, instinct, intuition, and observation.
TRAINED TO LET GO OF CREATIVE BIAS. We have no favorites among marketing tactics preferring to make each decision based on the consumer, the client, and the creative approach. We have always been a small multi-disciplined team with skills in marketing strategy, copywriting, art direction, graphic design, video production, media buying, brand psychology, and account management.
OUR OPEN APPROACH TO CREATIVITY HAS DRAWN TALENT FROM British West Indies; Bombay, India; Cayman Islands; Australia; Mexico City, Mexico; Taipei, Taiwan; and many of the 50 states. Our eclectic, worldly mix of genders, backgrounds, educations, and diverse viewpoints has proven to be the correct incubator of idea generation for those clients, both small and large, we are privileged to serve.
SINCE MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1987, TMG’s quality reputation and distinctive style has been consistently developed across an expanding number of creative services, premier client brands, and diverse markets, including a particularly comprehensive understanding of professional services marketing, and the high-disposable income, well-traveled consumer.
The Matthews Group brand constitutes one of the most widely respected and recognized range of services and team of creative professionals available to clients seeking to become or maintain a brand position as the very best in their field of endeavor.
The Matthews Group seeks clients, regardless of size, who desire to ‘be their own brand’ and proudly bills itself ‘where creativity lives.’ This marriage of unique clients and unique creatives has been refined down to a consistent and proven approach leading to mutual success.
Currently, The Matthews Group is enjoying broader assignments into master planning brand ideation, the redefinition of existing brands, and defining for clients the intersection of consumer psychology and design that creates long-term profit and brand value.
Based on years of experience working with premium brands across various sectors and geographies, The Matthews Group’s approach to strategy employs our uniquely talented perspective to define, position, and communicate clearly our clients’ businesses and their ambitions.
Our clients approach us for a contemporary aesthetic implemented through various creative disciplines to create beloved and recognizable branding that stands the test of time.
Diverse platforms make up the distribution of our creative products. Knowledge, daily use, and enthusiasm for extracting data complete the marketing circle.
This simple philosophy puts the client first, the firm second, and the focus on constant improvement, continuous creative advancement, and client satisfaction.
It works.
The contents (notably data, soundtracks, information, illustrations, logos, brands, artwork, graphic design, etc.) that appear or are available on thematthewsgroup.com (TMG) site are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights and are the exclusive property of The Matthews Group. No part of the contents of the TMG website in general, even if it belongs to a third party, may be copied, reproduced, represented, adapted, altered, modified, or circulated fully or partially by any means whatsoever. The elements presented (in whole or in part) of this site are liable to modification without notice and are presented without any express or tacit guarantee and are not considered as giving any rights of compensation. The information and images contained in the Internet site are protected by copyright © 1987-2023 TMG. The logos are registered trademarks, service marks, or brandmarks.